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jQuery Selector: Attribute Ends With

jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library. It simplifies HTML document traversing, event handling, animating, and Ajax interactions for rapid web development. One of the most powerful features of jQuery is its ability to navigate and manipulate the HTML document using selectors.

Selectors in jQuery allow us to target specific elements on a webpage. In this article, we will focus on the "attribute ends with" selector. This selector allows us to select elements whose specific attribute ends with a certain value.


The "attribute ends with" selector uses the dollar sign ($) symbol followed by the equal (=) sign and the desired value inside double quotes.



Let's consider some practical examples to understand how to use the "attribute ends with" selector in jQuery.

Example 1: Selecting links with specific domain

Suppose we have a webpage containing multiple links, and we want to target all links that end with a specific domain. Here's how we can achieve this using the "attribute ends with" selector:


This code will select all the links whose href attribute ends with the value ".com". It will match links like https://example.com, http://jquery.com, etc.

Example 2: Selecting images with specific file type

Now let's say we have a webpage with several images, and we want to select all images that end with a specific file type extension, such as ".png", ".jpg", or ".gif". We can use the "attribute ends with" selector for this:

$('img[src$=".png"], img[src$=".jpg"], img[src$=".gif"]')

This code will select all the images whose src attribute ends with ".png", ".jpg", or ".gif". It will match images with filenames like "logo.png", "banner.jpg", etc.


The "attribute ends with" selector in jQuery is a powerful tool for targeting elements on a webpage based on specific attribute values. By using this selector, we can easily select and manipulate elements that meet our desired criteria.

Now that you have learned about the "attribute ends with" selector, you can apply this knowledge to enhance your jQuery skills and create more dynamic and interactive webpages. Happy coding!